
What Is The Power Of Om Mantra Must Read This Info In English

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What Is The Power Of Om Mantra

In Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 13 also, this one had said the knowledge of Gita by entering into Shri Krishna as a ghost. It is said in it that there is only one syllable Aum (Om) of Brahman to be recited and remembered.

It is said in Holy Gita Adhyay 17 Mantra (Verse) 23 that
There is only Om Tat Sat Mantra for attainment of Complete God, by remembering it in three ways one attains salvation. what is the power of om mantra
Om mantra is the chanting of Brahm i.e. Kshar Purush, Tat Mantra (symbolic which will be told to the one who takes the instruction) is the chanting of Parabrahm i.e. Akshar Purush and Sat Mantra (indicative it is also called Sat Shabda i.e. Saarnaam. There is chanting of Purna Brahm i.e. Param Akshar Purush (Satpurush). The method of chanting this (Om-tat-sat) is also of three types. Only by this complete salvation is possible.

️ॐ The best attainment of the mantra is Brahmaloka, and this Brahmaloka is also perishable, so in Adhyay 7 Shlok 18, the giver of the knowledge of Gita has described the speed attained by his devotion as the best, that is, the best because this devotion does not cut the disease of birth and death. Can. what is the power of om mantra

The giver of the knowledge of Gita has said the Om Tat Sat Mantra about devotion to the Supreme God.
Kaal Brahm has clarified about himself that his mantra is Om. But in Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 23, the mantra of the Supreme God, Om Tat Sat, has been told. what is the power of om mantra

Detailed knowledge has been given in Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 23-28. Tatvgyan Sant Rampal Ji has explained which is that
The Om mantra is for the devotion of Kshar Purush.
Tat Mantra is symbolic, this letter is of the sadhna of the Purusha.
And the Sat Mantra is also symbolic. This is the supreme letter of the spiritual practice of the Purusha. Complete salvation is attained by chanting these three mantras. what is the power of om mantra

️ Om (Om) This mantra is the chanting of Brahma. It is for spiritual practice till Brahmaloka. Absolute peace cannot be attained by chanting the mantra, nor can one get complete salvation.
This mantra has nothing to do with Krishna.

The giver of the knowledge of Gita has told the mantra of his devotion in verse 13 of Adhyay 8 that there is only one Om (Om) letter of devotion to me Brahma. One who chants this name till the last breath attains the speed attained by it i.e. Brahmaloka. what is the power of om mantra

Complete salvation cannot be attained by Om (Om) in the name of “Brahm” alone. The chanting of the name “Om” is of Brahma.

The chanting of the name “Om” is of Brahma. By its sadhna one attains the Brahma Lok, about which it is said in Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 16 that the seekers who have gone to the Brahma Lok also attain rebirth.

️ In Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 13, the giver of the knowledge of Gita (Brahm) is saying that –
Om iti ekaksharam brahma, vyahran ma anusmaran,
The meaning is that after entering the body of Shri Krishna ji, Brahm/Kaal is saying that a seeker who does the spiritual practice of me Brahman till death with only one name of Om, gets the benefit from me, no other mantra is of my devotion. Is. what is the power of om mantra

In Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 5, 7 and 13, Brahm, the giver of the knowledge of Gita, has told to do spiritual practice about himself that the one who remembers the name of my spiritual practice till the last breath, it will be received by me only.

️ Real Gayatri Mantra –
Om is not written anywhere in Yajurveda Adhyay 36 Mantra 3. It has been imposed by the own thinking of ignorant saints. This mantra is for the Supreme God. Whereas Om belongs to Kaal Brahma.

️ On page 562-563 of the seventh wing of Shri Devi Mahapuran, there is evidence that Shri Devi ji, while preaching to King Himalaya, said that O king! Leaving my devotion aside all other things and chanting only one Om, this is the only mantra to attain “Brahm”. The meaning is that there is only one chant of the name Om (Om) of Brahm Sadhana, by this one attains Brahman and that seeker goes to Brahma Lok. what is the power of om mantra

In Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 13, it is told that I have only one syllable Aum (Om) of Brahman. One who renounces the body while remembering it, attains the supreme speed. There is evidence in Devi Purana that by chanting Om, one attains the world of Brahma. It is clear in Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 16 that a seeker who has gone to Brahma Lok is also reborn. what is the power of om mantra

It is written in Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 23.
Om, Tat, Sat, Iti, Directionah, Brahmanah, Trividah, Smritah
The mantra of devotion to Sachidanand Ghan Brahm is “Om Tat Sat”. “Om” is the mantra of Brahma. “Tat” is the symbol which is of letter Purusha. The “Sat” mantra is also a symbolic mantra which is of the Supreme Akshar Brahm. By chanting these three mantras, that supreme speed will be attained which has been said in Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 4 that after going where the seekers never return to the world.

️  The meaning of Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 23 is that to attain the Supreme God Om, Tat Sat is the instruction to remember this mantra. Get this name from a Tatvdarshi Saint.
He is a Tatvdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

️ Yogis did spiritual practices on the basis of Vedas under the name Om (Mantra of Brahma), God was not found, Siddhis came, went to heaven, went to great heaven, then became animals. That’s why everyone has considered the Lord as formless that he is not visible and it is written in the Vedas that God is in shape. what is the power of om mantra

Complete salvation is possible only by receiving scriptural devotion from a complete Guru, which is presently in the world with none other than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

The holy four Vedas also bear witness that only the Supreme God is worthy of worship, his real name is KavirDev (God Kabir).
And only by chanting the names of three mantras (Om, Tat Sat), complete salvation is attained. Only Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the authority to give this name. what is the power of om mantra

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My name is Sonu Patel i am from india i like write on spritual topic

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